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Tips To Prevent Abduction


  1. Teach your children their full names, addresses and phone numbers.
  2. Teach your children how to make a long distance call (both directly to you using the area code and by dialing "0" for the operator).
  3. Know your neighbors and your child's friends, including their names, addresses and telephone numbers.
  4. Know the routes your child takes to and from school, friends' homes and other activities.
  5. Be involved in your child's activities by volunteering at school, clubs, and sporting events - participate in a neighborhood watch program.
  6. Before leaving your child in the care of a day-care, pre-school, baby sitter, or youth organization, check their references and qualifications. Ask if criminal background checks are conducted before new staff members are hired.
  7. Write your police chief, sheriff and other elected officials, in support of the Amber Alert Plan, police missing person programs, and other child safety efforts; write the general managers of your local radio and TV stations in support of the Amber Alert Plan and the Emergency Alert System.
  8. Review the web sites of Missing Child Organizations for volunteer opportunities, such as e-mailing or distributing posters of missing children.
  9. Teach your child what to do if approached by a stranger. Common uses are offering a ride, gifts or candy, asking the child to help them look for a lost dog or cat, or claiming that the child's parent has asked them to bring the child home because of an emergency.
  10. Listen to your child; don't disregard their fears. Instead, let them know that you take their fears and concerns seriously.

Basic Safety Rules for Children


As soon as your children can articulate a sentence, they can begin the process of learning how to protect themselves against abduction and exploitation.

  1. Children should be taught if you are in a public place and you get separated from your patents, don't wander around looking for them. Go to a checkout counter, the security office, or the lost and found and quickly tell the person in charge that you have lost your mom and dad and need help finding them.
  2. You should not get into a car or go anywhere with any person unless your parents have told you that it is okay.
  3. If someone follows you on foot or in a car, stay away from him or her. You should not get close to any car, unless your parent or a trusted adult accompanies you.
  4. Grownups and others who need help should not be asking children for help; they should be asking older people.
  5. No one should be asking you for directions or to look for a "lost puppy" or telling you that your mother or father is in trouble and that he or she will take you to them.
  6. If someone tries to take you somewhere, quickly get away from him (or her) and yell or scream. "This man (woman) is trying to take me away" or "this person is not my father (mother)."
  7. You should try to take a friend with you, and never go places alone.
  8. Always ask your parents' permission to leave the yard or play area or to go into someone's home.
  9. Never hitchhike or try to get a ride home with anyone unless your parents have told you it is okay to ride with him or her.
  10. No one should touch you in the parts of the body that would be covered by a bathing suit, nor should you touch anyone else in those areas. Your body is special and private.
  11. You can be assertive and you have the right to say no to someone who tries to take you somewhere, touches you, or makes you feel uncomfortable, scared or confused in anyway.

TRICK or TREAT Safety Tips

  1. Carry a flashlight
  2. Walk, don't run.
  3. Stay on Sidewalks
  4. Obey traffic signals
  5. Stay in familiar neighborhoods
  6. Don't cut across yards or driveways.
  7. Wear a watch you can read in the dark.
  8. Make sure costumes don't drag on the ground.
  9. Shoes should fit (even if they don't go with your costume)
  10. Avoid wearing masks while walking from house to house.
  11. Carry only flexible knives, swords or other props.
  12. (If no sidewalk) walk on the left side of the road facing traffic
  13. Wear clothing with reflective markings or tape.
  14. Approach only houses that are lit.
  15. Stay away from and don't pet animals you don't know.

Do's and Don'ts of Driving

Before you drive...



HAVE A CLEAR HEADMake sure you always have a clear head before deciding to operate a motor vehicle. Alcohol and certain drugs, both illegal and legal, can severely impair your driving skills. Many prescription and over-the-counter medications can cause dangerous drowsiness. Get a good night's rest and don't drive for long stretches without a break. If you are tired, don't risk the safety of yourself and others on the highway by trying to drive. Just as with alcohol--designate a driver or choose another means of transportation such as taxi cab or public transportation.



Driving with someone else in your vehicle can increase your overall alertness. It is well recognized that when driving alone, especially when sleep deprived and at night, your chances of a crash are dramatically increased.



If you are taking any medications, be sure to read and obey the warning labels. If the label says the medication causes drowsiness or not to drive--heed the warning and don't drive. The warnings are there for a reason. Consult with your doctor or pharmacist if you have any questions or to ask about medications for your condition that don't cause drowsiness.



PLAN AHEADAllow yourself plenty of extra time to reach your destination and allow for emergencies or traffic jams. In today's busy world most of us are in a hurry to get where we are going. By allowing extra time we can be more relaxed when operating our vehicles and thereby cut down on the incidences of road rage, such as excessive speeding, tailgating and weaving in and out between cars.



Safety should always be a top priority when shopping for a vehicle. Research the safety performance of any vehicle you are considering buying including how the vehicle performs in crash tests. Both driver and passenger side air bags are now mandatory in all new cars. Look for side impact bags in many new models as well. When buying a used vehicle, look for one with air bags. Research what type of safety systems are in the car and choose the safest to protect you and your loved ones in the event of a collision.


While in the driver's seat :



Avoid aggressive driving by relaxing and having patience. By not being in such a rush to reach your destination you will be a calmer person and won't need to speed and run red lights. A yellow light means slow down, not speed up. Always stop at red lights.



If you start to feel tired when driving pull over in a safe area and let someone else drive. If you are alone, pull into a safe location such as a well lit rest stop and take a short nap or get out of the car and walk around for a few minutes. Stop as often as necessary. When traveling on long trips, eat light. Large, heavy meals can make you drowsy.



Always wear your safety belt and make sure all your passengers are buckled properly, even on short trips. If traveling with children, educate yourself on the many kinds of child safety seats and restraints. Choose which system is best for your child and always follow the directions. Make sure children ages 12 and under are always buckled up in the back seat, the safest place to ride.



Avoid taking your eyes off the road by eliminating any possible distractions ahead of time. Before setting out on a drive, be sure that important items are within easy reach, i.e. directions and maps, sunglasses, etc. Reduce to a minimum possibly dangerous diversions of your attention from the tasks of safe driving such as changing tapes or compact discs and always pull over to a safe place to use your cellular telephone.

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